Brainstorm for PT2


Our idea is a girl named Molly is home alone cooking dinner. She is in her own home by herself and it it dark/ night time. Among her in the bushes outside stands a bug buff intruder called Richard also known as the 'night stalker'. He stands and stares at her cooking. The intruder picks up his phone and takes a photo of her cooking, he sends it to her and she gets a text from an unknown number which is a photo of her. Obviously she is frightened and confused. Molly suddenly hears knocking and banging on the door so she naturally picks up the knife and slowly ascends to the back door where the banging and knocking is coming from. The wind gusts as she approached the slightly opened door with no one in sight. Over the shoulder of Molly inside stands a man, an intruder. Without even noticing he has entered the house Molly turns her head to see the tall bust man in a big black hoodie standing right behind her. His face is not seen and remains a mystery of the night. Suddenly the intruder grabs hold of the girl Molly without being injured by the knife. And the rest remains a mystery for the audience to question themselves what happened to the girl? Did she get free? or did the intruder kill her with her own weapon?

Our thriller is a psychological thriller. 

Here are the brainstorms ordered from first ideas to our developed ideas which are even more explained within the concept and treatment and rationale. 



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