For location we have decided that our film "ASHE" will be set inside with dark low lighting along with some red hues. The red hue is our symbolic colour that represents death, horror, terror, fear and weakness.
For our first preliminary task, we need to do all of the filming at City Impact Church. This is perfect for our group because there is a lot of variety, meaning that there are plenty of rooms and halls with different lighting and sizes etc. City Impact Church uses access cards too, so this means we will be able to use the access cards on the doors to make the film more realistic.
At church we will need to use a long hallway and 2-3 different rooms all with low dark lighting in which we will add darker hues and a red symbolic hue to involve codes and conventions.
Our first scene is the Assassin preparing all of her equipment, so we will be able to use a close to empty room with the Assassin (Ashe) standing by a table getting her things ready and placing her gun on the tale ready to polish.
Our second scene will have Joe the Boss on a very important call with the Assassin planning the kill. This will also take place in his 'office' with very low lighting just seeing a shadow/silhouette and an over the shoulder shot of Joe. Using a large empty room at City Impact church will give off mood and tone of 'evil' or 'dark deeds' as the 'bad guys' usually don't show their face in full form. All of the low lighting and dark settings form together to create suspense and ambience for the audience which really makes our film a thriller.
KMP productions film group all want a thriller film that keeps the audience on their toes, this will be achieved by using the dark rooms and halls of church. This leads to a dark and grungy atmosphere. The dark rooms suggest to the audience that these two characters have power and status giving off evil vibes and dark moods. All of this contributes to the fact that our film has 2 'evil' characters that have the power to pull off a murder like this to get what they want or please.
We have all decided that our setting of the film will contain around 3 different rooms of the church and a hallway. This is because our chase scene can be dragged out for longer in the hall and with the opportunity to use access cards which will give off a sense of danger as a killer/assassin has the key to get inside and help the audience understand that they get anything they want. Using different rooms and halls will help us get a shot of match on action when our 'coder' (person who dies) swipes his access card and enters a room. Using only these few rooms and hallway will get the audience familiar with the setting and not get confused as to where the characters are running too.
The offices/rooms used to introduce us to the assassin and 'Boss' in the first couple of shots are very isolated. This helps the audience understand that they are up to no good and don't want their plan to be ruined. Usually In thrillers the bad guys or evil people who are up to no good are introduced in a empty room by themselves to show the audience that they have power and status. In our case, Joe the boss Has power and status because from One call to the assassin, the assassin already knows what he wants and gets what he wants. These 'bad guys' Are usually placed in an isolated room because the deeds they carry out a no good and usually are done in secrecy. The boss Joe also shows the audience that he holds power and status because he gets anybody to do what he wants so he doesn't have to do the dirty work.

Using these dark rooms will make the thriller more suspenseful and more thriller-like. It will also indicate to the audience that something is going to happen. That everything that is going on will lead to a possible death or injury.
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